
Mainly I will be using this blog as a reference for tactics and list building in Warhammer 40,000 in order to clarify my own thinking and for other people to possibly gain some advantage from. I'll be starting with basics and also bringing in some more advanced strategies and tactics as time goes on and I can be bothered.

The blog is called "Speed Kills" for three reasons:

1. It was the motto of the Ravenwing bikers featured in Warhammer Monthly, back when it was still in circulation, and it was a good strip.

2. Most tabletop games are (contrary to common perception) won in the movement phase. If you stack the odds in your favour with your movement, then given average dice rolls in the phases that follow, you should have an easy time of it, and even when the dice go against you, the effects should be mitigated if you placed well.

3. My favourite army is Eldar, followed by Raven Guard Space Marines using the Blood Angels codex, which means I enjoy fast vehicles, fast infantry and very tactical games.

I may also make some random posts just because I enjoy shouting into the ether sometimes.


Friday 13 April 2012

First Post!


First post in a shiny new blog. Yay.

This is mainly to see if it works, and how it looks.

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